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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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broken skates

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Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen. In last nights game I took a slap shot to the toe and it severly craked my easton z air's. They are destroyed with multiple cracks running everywhere. Needless to say my toe hurts a little also. The worst thing is now I need new skates. I have a pair of Mission pure fly's that I just never felt right on and I could not figure out why. It turns out that the boot is twisted on the sole I don't know if this is what it meens to be cross lasted.. The shop that showed me this never could make the right adjustments to fix this.

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Ouch, must have been a hard shot.

I never cracked a toe cap, but I did have a skate blade go through one before. Yikes!

Is the rest of the skate ok? If so, you might be able to make a temporary repair using some fiberglass cloth and epoxy to reinforce the toe. It would look ghetto but it might work...

That might get you by until your new skates are broken in.

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dustwvl - have the shop unmount the holders, then bake the boots and stand in them. I doubt they are cross-lasted but I have had to do that with my Mission boots.

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I will have to try that with the mission skates. If it does not work, can anyone suggest some new skates. I know I will have to go try them all on but if I could get some suggestions on where to start. I have a hard time finding the right skates for me. I am only 5'7 and weight 170. I wear a size 5EE easton. I have very wde feet. The Eastons worked well because even in a Junior skate they were pretty stiff. Most junior skates are to soft, especially at my weight. I also need a somewhat deep fitting skate.

Any help?

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Well I tried some skates today. But none seemed to fit quite right. The closest was the nike V-10 but the hell seemed a little big. The guy at perani's said they could heat it up and then use the CCM fit machine and that may help mold the heel a little better. Does this seem right. I also tried the neew reebok which didn;t seem to have much of a heel cup, and a bauer skate. Would the mission l series be worth a try. Again my foot is wide and deep, and I need a junior skate that is pretty stiff.

Any help?


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i know i got a size 5 easton synergy 1300 skate but other than that you could always get a 707 graf which i believe comes in Jr. sizes if im not mistaken that or the g35 for next year is coming in size 1 and up with cobra blades

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Well I tried some skates today. But none seemed to fit quite right.  The closest was the nike V-10 but the hell seemed a little big.  The guy at perani's said they could heat it up and then use the CCM fit machine and that may help mold the heel a little better.  Does this seem right.  I also tried the neew reebok which didn;t seem to have much of a heel cup, and a bauer skate.  Would the mission l series be worth a try.  Again my foot is wide and deep, and I need a junior skate that is pretty stiff.

Any help?


I have a couple adults skating in S300 junior skates without a problem but they may not be stiff enough for you. The only problem is Missions only come in E width, no EE.

i know i got a size 5 easton synergy 1300 skate but other than that you could always get a 707 graf which i believe comes in Jr. sizes if im not mistaken that or the g35 for next year is coming in size 1 and up with cobra blades

Isn't the 707 fairly soft in the ankle? If so, it probably won't help him.

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