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MS Word Help

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My laptop hard drive crashed and I had to get it replaced under warranty. When I got it replaced they made me sign a waiver saying that I'd lose all programs and documents on it. Because its a Sony, for some reason they don't give you an applications disk. The only program I was worried about losing was MS Word. I told the guy that my sister had a copy of MS Student from a few years ago, and he told me that I'd definitely be able to use it. Well long story short, I can't use it because she already registered it. So now I'm stuck without MS Word, which is a real bitch. I don't particularly want to buy it because I already paid for it with my computer (that broke, and it wasn't my fault). Anybody have any suggestions? I'm not really trying to get it illegally or whatever, I'm just trying to see what my options are. Thanks guys.

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Worst case, download open office. I like it and it's free.

I tried it...do ya really like it???

we had all kinds of compatability issues when sending and receiving...

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I love it and I would like to see it take off. If they can come up with an IMAP mail client with calendar set up, they could really have something on their hands. So far the Mozilla mail/calendar sucks.

You can save the documents in MS compatible formats with no problems. Problems pop up when you use a lot of formatting in excel or save in open office formats.

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I love it and I would like to see it take off. If they can come up with an IMAP mail client with calendar set up, they could really have something on their hands. So far the Mozilla mail/calendar sucks.

You can save the documents in MS compatible formats with no problems. Problems pop up when you use a lot of formatting in excel or save in open office formats.

ahhh sounds like a typical user creating issues if not saving correct... which would explain it in my company...

I agree with you on the IMAP....

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I love it and I would like to see it take off. If they can come up with an IMAP mail client with calendar set up, they could really have something on their hands. So far the Mozilla mail/calendar sucks.

You can save the documents in MS compatible formats with no problems. Problems pop up when you use a lot of formatting in excel or save in open office formats.

ahhh sounds like a typical user creating issues if not saving correct... which would explain it in my company...

I agree with you on the IMAP....

I haven't used it in a corperate environment but there may be a setting or registry hack to use .doc or .xls as default.

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Open Office has been working real well for me, except I have one minor problem. How do you insert page numbers on each page? All I can find is how to insert the specific page number in the middle of the text. I have some tight ass prof. who won't accept my midterm if there aren't page numbers.

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Open Office has been working real well for me, except I have one minor problem. How do you insert page numbers on each page? All I can find is how to insert the specific page number in the middle of the text. I have some tight ass prof. who won't accept my midterm if there aren't page numbers.

I have an old version but you have to go to "insert" "Fields" "other" "page numbers" You also have to add it to each page on the version on this computer.

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