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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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most durable equipment you've ever had?

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Its hard to think back, but i remember a pair of ferland shoulders i wore since like atom and used them up until last year, first year midget. They were great!

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My favorite stick, Mission Dangler shaft with a red wood jofa blade lasted me 3 roller hockey seasons, a couple ironmans, open roller, 3 or 4 dek hockey seasons, intramural floor hockey, I know the stick like the back of my hand...the thing is beat, finally retired it for a tps redlite.

CCM PowerLine sp100 shoulder pads, I bought of some kid on my peewee team.

Bauer elbows at least 4 years old.

Easton UL gloves 3 years?

CCM ice skates 4 years or so.

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I had a Synergy Grip for a year and a half, elbows for about 5 years, one of my friends has Flak shouldies from like 1990 and hes 15...had them for 6 years, they're beauties

my synergy grip is still goin and its coming up on 2 years

My Synergy grip just passed the second year mark.

This stick has to be a "Sunday's Product" since i am such an agressive player it had to be broken in like 4 months or less.

Besides that, my Hespeler shinguards hold up for about 6 years but then i got new Jofas cause they were for free

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most durable pant...ccm pro tacks.....by far and away


BLADE...Nike Quest..never a chip or anything in 50 games..retired to a pefect condition back-up back-up back-up position.

glove Palms..ccm pro tacks

still looking for those durable elbows

Shins....nike v series shin holding up very nicely...but its only been a season

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I had an Easton aluminum in the early 90's which i had discarded after a few years. I dont know what model it was because the writing has all worn off. I found it again about a year ago when I was putting some gym equpiment into my garage, and I put it over 2 of the beams in the garage, taped it in place and have been using it as a pull up bar ever since, I weigh about 210lbs, and its never shown any signs of breaking! I'd say that was pretty durable!!

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Pants - CCM Supra Pants - I used them from 1991-2000 and then gave them to a friend who was just starting hockey and needed some equipment. He still has the pants.

Skates - CCM 652 Pump Tacks 1993(?- may have been a year earlier or later)-2001. I did have to replace one of the Prolite 3 Holders once as one broke due to a hard slap shot and by the end the skates had lost most of the stiffness in the boot and the footbeds were cracked, but the pump still worked on the ankles and the tongues. They lasted about 7 solid years without any problems so despite the cracked footbed and broken holder I'd consider them quite durable.

Gloves - Current Ferland 2300 gloves - I've had them for 2 years and there's no major wear. I've worn through the palms of other gloves in a year, but these gloves are holding up great. Not to mention they're more mobile, flexible, and comfortable than the majority of the gloves I've owned. Almost exactly the same gloves as the current DR HG 1555/1455 (I picked up a pair of these locally recently as they were on sale for a great price, but I don't know when I'll get to use them as the other gloves aren't showing any signs of deterioration).

Shafts - Old Easton Aluminum shafts - all of them lasted until I moved on to composite shafts

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I had an Easton aluminum in the early 90's which i had discarded after a few years. I dont know what model it was because the writing has all worn off. I found it again about a year ago when I was putting some gym equpiment into my garage, and I put it over 2 of the beams in the garage, taped it in place and have been using it as a pull up bar ever since, I weigh about 210lbs, and its never shown any signs of breaking! I'd say that was pretty durable!!

now that is ghetto lol

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