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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing blades.. damage?

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I use a heat gun for this set on 500 F for the shaft. I don't heat the shaft for too long just 15-20 seconds. When I heat up the blade to put in the shaft, I wrap clear shin pad tape around the tenon first to ensure the blade stays connected. I go from 500 F to 1000 F when heating the tenon. Until the glue melts for me. I hope this helps. :)

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I may have to get a heat gun, but I've been doing it over the stove. This method is probably bad, but I hold it away from the burner and only do it long enough for the blade to come out/go in. I never let it get the shaft so hot that I can't grab it and hold onto it without burning myself, though. I let the glue on the tenon bubble a bit before I put another blade in.

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I use my hair dryer. Its probobly not as hot as those other things,but I just put it about 6-12 inches from the blade insert point area and keep spinning the shaft around slowly then after a little while I test it to see if I can pull it out and if I cant I turn the hairdryer back on and repeat till it comes out.

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Sorry I forgot about taking the blade out. I pretty much do the same thing as FireOnIce only with the heat gun set on 500 F. When I can see the glue starting to bubble, I know I can pull it out.

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Just use the stove!!!i'm doing that for 2 year and nothing happen to me...they said is not good(ok!)but anyways is not 1 minute of heat will fuck a shaft(if yes...ask you if the shaft is not a little bit CHEAP!!!!)

just look what u do!!!when the stove is at is max now put your shaft about 5 inch and wait about 30 sec....

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I've been using the stove forever, never used anything else. Even with the odd old shaft when I have to heat the crap out of it, nothing goes wrong.

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Guest hunter4

i use my stove , and ive never got a stick too hot to were it burns the paint or carbon or anything like that.its basicly the same as a heat gun, but you most likely already have a stove, so why go out and buy a heat gun ?

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I usually just use a heat gun and it takes around 30 seconds or more. But latley on my old koho shafts at home I just use a torch. They say your not supposed to use an open flame, but I have been doing this for about 6 months and nothing has happened.

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I think they say you're not supposed to use an open flame for your safety. As long as you're not stupid with it I don't think it matters.

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just heat until hot to the touch and then you should be good. If you can't pull out the blade, then heat some more. Doesn't really matter what you use as long as you don't overheat the shaft. I use the heat gun when I'm at work, stove at home and blowtorch when I really have to. When using the torch, keep it at leach an inch away from where the flame ends and you should be good. I've had no probs with that and try and rotate the shaft when you heat so you're heating evenly.

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I use only a heat gun, but it doesn't really matter. The most important part is that you don't get the heat source too close to the shaft/blade because if you burn it, the shaft/blade will become brittle and break easier.

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