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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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blade patterns

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Hey, not sure if this is in teh right section ... but anyways ....

I am using a 85 flex modano (forsberg) curve for the stealth .... I am thinkin about tryin out the HEX-1 ... my question is ..... What curve would be close to the modano pattern from mission .. because i love that curve, and want to stay with it ... so is there a cruve from mission close to the modano?

Also, what do you guys think about the hex-1 that have used it ... possibly compared to a stealth, si-core, or even reg. synergy?

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What's the Hex blade like, Chadd?  Is it stiff (like an XN10), or "Flexy" (like the M1)?

It's not as stiff as an XN10, but I also think it (Hex) has better feel. I never used an M1 and I don't have any in the shop to compare.

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You could bend the blade by hand with minimal effort by about 1/2 inch to an inch. Opened up too much under heavy shooting as a result.

Did have nice puck feel though.

1/4" back and only slightly open at most. It actually has more give forward than back.

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So i take it you guys have tried the Hex1- Is it true that the Hex 1's- the flex tends to be stiffer then the mission m1 's?


my 85 hex was stiffer than any of the TPS R flexes I've owned.

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