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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector 110

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I broke the blade of a vector 110 and it seems really thin at the bottom. Is it possible to change a vector into a tapered shaft and if so does anyone know where to cut it at?

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I don't know if the 110 will be similar to that of the 120, but I cut a 120 and found the interior of the shaft NOT to be uniform. Thus, while I was able to cut it to where it SHOULD accept a tapered blade, it wouldn't fit because of the irregular interior walls (wider in some spots, thinner in others).

I tried cramming the blade in there anyway, but didn't get sufficient results.

So, translation? No harm in trying, but not sure what to expect result wise.

As for a specific spot, not sure anyone will have a sufficient answer for you. Much like converting a Synnergy, cut your way up until the tapered blade fits, then chisel the crap (foam) out of the inside.

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like ogie said my 2 Cut OPS v-110 are uniform...my best luck was turning the shaft down to use standard blade...because i would got too much composite to get it fit tapered

maybe if you have a INT or JR blade(tapered or standard) with a bit of shaving technic could make it fit..

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just flip it with my v120 i went thro hell shaving and fileing the inside of the shaft and i didnt even get close to fitting it in its not worth the hassle trust me. just use it as a standard

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