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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hollowicked last won the day on July 5 2019

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39 Good

About hollowicked

  • Birthday 07/06/1983

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  1. Picked up a pair of 2x pro's Friday night and skated Sat, Ill reserve judgment until I get a few more ice sessions in but so far I am very pleased with the skate. Love the new toe cap
  2. no example of functionality for the holder,
  3. True has some vague details on the site now https://www.true-hockey.com/true-products/custom-skates/
  4. I love all the adjustability it offers. With thigh and hip pads plus the sock holder
  5. I have one and I love it. Have used it prob close to 6 yrs now. They are definitely heavy compared to pants but I can’t seem to get away from mine.
  6. any word on price point increasing with changes?
  7. I have a guy on my team with them and he loves them but tbh he is very bias toward graf as he skated in them for prob 25+ years and he has not tried any other brands during that span.
  8. An Officials room where discussions relating to rules/regs or pointers for those interested getting into officiating. I personally don't ref but was interesting in starting and it would be helpful to see some of the perspectives.
  9. Can close, skates have been sold
  10. Was in a bad car accident in May breaking my wrist and forcing multiple surgeries and missing of SummerJam, had my final surgery last week so now onto PT. One step closer to hockey
  11. Has anyone had issues with their scans not being received by True? I got scanned yesterday at pure hockey and they submitted my order, after submission I got an email from True saying congratulations on your purchase but the status says scans requested. So I called and they then tell me none of the scans made it over due to the photos being too compressed. I figured Pure hockey used the ipad with Trues software and the photos said they went through so not sure of the issue.. Now tomorrow I have to go back to the store to be re scanned.
  12. Barely used pair of ft1s my foot just has too much volume for the skate which is why I am getting rid of them. Bought them new and only used total of 3 games. Baked once 450 shipped within us
  13. Has anyone had wrist surgery and if so what was the time frame you were able to play again post surgery? I was in a car accident back in May and have been in a cast basically since, I broke my wrist and had multiple surgeries now based on torn ligaments. My final surgery to remove the pins in my wrist is scheduled for next Thursday and I start PT after that. Dr was telling me 2-3 months but was curious if anyone had any first hand experience here.
  14. Interesting, wonder if it can be used with coated/polished steel like blacksteel
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