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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shock doctor insoles?

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I was thinking about trying a pair of these in my 8090 because the current insole slides around quite a bit and i was just wondering if they would feel the same and also will i notice a huge weight difference.

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I used Shock doctor for a couple years and just changed to Superfeet Grey a month ago.

SD has more cushioning and SF has better structural support to your feet, especially the arch area.

Personally, I like the SF better because it gives me a good feel and control to the skate. But SD may help you to absorb some shock from the rough ice.

If you consider yourself a good skater, I suggest you the SF.

hope this help. :)

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wow! after reading this topic I guess I should change my mind about SD and get SF instead? I hate my 8000 Bauer ETF insoles.. They're CRAP

I use my mission RPM insoles in every pair of skates...

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My wife's cat pissed on my insoles while they were drying in the garage one day. I went to the local supermarket and bought a $2 set of whatever they sold and they have been better than the original Graf inserts, and better than the pissed on shock doctors. And they were two bucks...

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The insoles in my CCM Pro Tacks were worthless and my feet were killing me. I got SD's and they were lightyears ahead of the originals. Then after reading a previous posting I got the SF's and they are parsecs ahead of the SD's.

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