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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wait time for warranty replacement Stick?

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Hello, new user here but long time reader. I tried searching but couldn't find a topic. Today I sent back a SL to Easton in Quebec ( That I used once btw). I live in B.C. and was just wondering what a good estimation of when I would receive the replacement? Also i've read that it is possible to get a different pattern sent back, is that still possible? If so that would be great as I can't find an Easton Drury at all. Thanks in advance for your replies.

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last time i returned something to easton(USA) i had my replacement the next day. that was because i called them and gave them a tracking number. they ship fed ex in the states.

factors that determine that are rh/lh, flex, stick model, pattern and what is in stock. did you call them to see what they have in stock? if they have your pattern, hand, flex, and model in stock that is what you get. didthey aks you these questions when you spoke with them? if any of the factor above are not on hand in you model then you could switch. if the have no SL in you model and they have it in a stealth you COULD get

upgraded. can't say for sure but if i was you i would call them to get more info. most likely you will get the exact same stick in return. it will also be stamped "warrenty return"

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A kid who comes in my shop all the time brought in a replacement SL he got. Different flex, different curve, no stamp. No consistancy at all.

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Well I had a left hand, 85 flex Lidstrom, but would like a Drury back (as they are hard to find). My gf shipped the stick to them from her work but I don't know what she used or when they will receive it. They did give her a reference number and said we can call them to see what is going on.

I guess I will give them a call tommorrow and talk to them myself. They might send it back as there wasn't a clean break but a puck took a chunk out of the blade and I could have folded the blade over with my hand but i sent it in the way it was. On the phone they seemed to understand but I always worry something bad is going to happen. Thanks for your replies guys.

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