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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got my MIA Glove (pic and story)

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I couldn't read through this whole terrible thread, but America refers to the USA. The America's refers to North and South America. The company should be called Made in North America or Made in the America's. Otherwise it's very misleading. And if you don't think so, printing "Made in America" on a product should speak for itself. I have no problem with putting just the acronym on the glove, however.

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I contacted my mom and she said this thread has been stupid since page2

I contacted my mom too. She told me to tell you to stop being such a baby!

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I contacted my mom and she said this thread has been stupid since page2

I contacted my mom too. She told me to tell you to stop being such a baby!

I contacted your mom too... she forgot her cell phone at my house.

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i know we just got some MIA gloves and we have one the same colour as havok just a navy not a royal blue. there already sold to a guy at work who has the old HNIC jersey and navy pants and navy helmet. but there sweet feeling gloves. I love that one palm of there the digital style palm thats very thin

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