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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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IHA done?

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I was going to see about going to a game on Sunday just to check it out, but while looking around on the internet, I found out it folded already.

Justin (Mission) was playing in this, as were Nick Dowling and Sean Riley from Mission. Anyone know what happened?

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From what I read on the message board prior to the IHA site being deleted was that the organizer made some commitments and was not able to make good on them.

It's a pity this folded up. I would've wanted to have watched a few games myself.

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I think the league is still being played under the name "Mission Super League" or something like that and they play out of Irvine on Thursdays/Fridays I think.

Is that the 25 and younger league?

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This was the league that looked like it was part sponsored by the WHA right, I think there were a couple teams with WHA names/jerseys?

Yeah, but I don't think the WHA had anything to do with it, sponsorship-wise.

I could be wrong though...

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Is that the 25 and younger league?

I think they combined the leagues...they took some of the players from the IHA league that were playing at the convention center and combined them with the players from the "minor league" they had out of irvine. although, I think there's a limit to how many "pros" you can dress or something like that.

and I have no idea about a site, I just heard about it through some friends that play in it...

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