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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are the RBK skates similar in fit to the CCM Tacks line?

What differs the most?

I read somewhere that the RBK:s have a wider midfoot, to better suit people with higher insteps?

Would it be any noticible difference to go from 20 years with the Tacks line of skates to the RBK:s, or would it fit as a Tack???

I am in a size 10 C (narrow width) Tacks line skate since years, wich i've liked alot, but i do need a new one since my 852:s are kind of worn out...

Greatful for your words of wisdom!

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well the rbk instep is roughly same size as the older tacks i.e 20yrs ago where the newer tacks are lower insteps also all ccm style skates are somewhat wider but the rbk is abit thinner compared to the tacks and if i remember you saying your foot is thinner then the rbk would be a better fit for your foot because the tacks are generally wider

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well the rbk instep is roughly same size as the older tacks i.e 20yrs ago where the newer tacks are lower insteps also all ccm style skates are somewhat wider but the rbk is abit thinner compared to the tacks and if i remember you saying your foot is thinner then the rbk would be a better fit for your foot because the tacks are generally wider

Thank's for the info!

How about forward flex/boot stiffnes (RBK 8K vs Pro Tacks)?

Maybe the RBK 7K:S are a little less stiff?

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I tried on a rbk and ccm of the same size yesterday and could not tell a difference between the two in regards to fit.

Thank's for your usefull info! :)

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I think only RBK 8K has the wide mid foot feature, not on 7k, 4k and 3k.

you better check the rbk site / catalog again before purchase.

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I tried on a rbk and ccm of the same size yesterday and could not tell a difference between the two in regards to fit.

Yup. Most cant tell the difference. Still when it comes to skate fitting, you can't go by recommendations or brochure facts, everyone's feet are different and all skates fit you different than someone else. You just have to TRY them both.

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I think only RBK 8K has the wide mid foot feature, not on 7k, 4k and 3k.

you better check the rbk site / catalog again before purchase.


Hmmm....that sounds strange to me :blink:

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