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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Backwards to forwards transitions with puck

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I'm trying to get better by going to a weekly clinic, and I'm having a problem with keeping control of the puck when going from backwards to forwards towards my backhand side. I shoot left, so specifically, when I'm doing the transition while turning to my right, I'm not sure how to bring the puck around without dragging it around in a big clockwise sweeping circle. I either loose it during the turn, or it's so out there that somebady can eaily take it away. Turning to my forehand (or left) is a lot easier because the puck's already at my side and the puck sort of stays in place and ends up on the backhand side of the stick. Is there a proper position for the puck to be in at the start of the transition, and what is the best path for the puck (and my stick) to follow as I turn around. I've been watching other people do it, but if they are really good, it happens so fast I can't really break it down.

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Have you tried just letting the puck slide and picking it up smooth after doing the transition? Sort of confused with what you are doing but I would do it the way I mentioned regardless. Whether that is proper form hasn't affected me in game situations but another idea would be to spend a few minutes with one of the people really good at it and have them show you the way they do it in slow motion.

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i had alot of trouble with that too ,i put the puck through my legs from my forehand just before i do the transition so i can do the transition puckless and then i grab it as soon as i stop skating forward ,its hard to explain. i hate doing it cause i look like a total fancy ass but its the easiest way for me.

edit:i was thinking of the wrong transition sorry

i suggest doing it without a crossover first and just spin and focus on getting comfy with the puck during the transition and then add a crossover and slowly make the skating aspects of it better ,just go step by step and dont rush cause then you get frustrated

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I just toe or heel drag it in tight into my body and open up, but that requires a good amount of practice and experience. Really just get low on your stick and keep it in tight toward your body.

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