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Looking Up Quotes

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Here's my problem. I read a book on Kerouac, I did a presentation for it, and now have to write and essay on it. From doing research on the internet, there's a quote I really like and have used in the essay. It's on a ton of different sites, but none give a page refrences. I briefly remember reading it, but not enough to narrow it down inside of the book. Is there a site where I can look-up the quote and it'll give me a page refrence? I've been trying on Google and it isn't working. If anyone could give me a hand it would be much appreciated. I need to page number for my Style guide, if not, I don't get credit for a quote from the novel.

"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace" Kerouac - On the Road.

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Unless the assingment is that you have to use a quote, id suggest not to use one unless you confront the teacher first. last friday i was in class and askd the teacher what she was doing as she was constatly typing in a paper that sombody wrote onto a google search. she replied " Im checking to make sure nobody is using quotes in theyre essay." I told her that i didnt know that teachers went that far to see if we cheated and she said alot of teachers do, just dont know bout it.....up to you if you wanna risk it.

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Unless the assingment is that you have to use a quote, id suggest not to use one unless you confront the teacher first. last friday i was in class and askd the teacher what she was doing as she was constatly typing in a paper that sombody wrote onto a google search. she replied " Im checking to make sure nobody is using quotes in theyre essay." I told her that i didnt know that teachers went that far to see if we cheated and she said alot of teachers do, just dont know bout it.....up to you if you wanna risk it.

She was checking for plagiarim, most University papers need a specific amount of quotes. As long as you cite your work your fine, I only need the one quote for this paper.

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Easy...Did you find it in the first chapter?

Thats the best I could find out w/ google.

The first part is 110 pages. It's broken up into 3, 14-17 chapter "parts". I'll be browsing through it once I am ready for the final copy. Worst comes to worse I'll just fire in the title of the book, and see what happens.

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