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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick lie question/TPS curve question

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Are there specific "angle" measurements for lies? like a 5 lie=50 degrees etc.? I want a sherwood at my lhs but it doesnt list a curve and i need to make sure the lie is ok

Does anyone have a pic of the tucker curve?

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Yes angles do equal lies. I have a Lie chart my old man made me years ago. Unfortunately he didn't list the actual angle degrees. I just take the blade, lay it up against the chart, and the numeric lie is indicated (4.5, 5, etc.)

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I guess I could take a protractor and lay it against the chart and get the angle for you if you really want to know.

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Yup. I sent him some pics of my handy dandy chart. My old man can break balls with the best of them, particularly mine, but when it comes to building stuff, he's great to have around. Lol.

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Well see, it's kind of a pain. Like I mentioned in my email, the chart was done for left angles. Since you are a righty you really need a right angle chart. My angles have lines drawn to the left, you need them to go to the right.

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My chart has degrees varying by 5. So:

45 = 5, 50 = 5.5, 55 = 6 and so on.

SRI, your chart has lies varying by single degrees. So:

45 = 5, 46 = 5.5, 47 = 6 and so on.

Now, I have been using my chart for several years and it hasn't done me wrong...BUT, most, if not all of my blades are 5 or 5.5 lies (I only use Modos or clones). Now this topic has come up so I have put my chart up for some scrutiny, mostly because Kovy asked for some help, and I don't want to be giving out any bad info.

Me and my old man did some tests. And we found some VERY strange findings. First of all, as SRI indicated, the "Rockered lies" make it very difficult to properly locate the centerpoint. Some of the blades tip up at the toe, some slant down at the heel...which makes it hard to find where the best measuring point should be.

I did a blind test on my dad. I gave him 2 blades that had the lie printed out on it (Christian Tapered blades I got from Chadd), but taped over the print of the lie number. He took the blade and put it up against my chart and SRIs chart. When he put the 5 lie Modo clone, and the 5.5 lie Recchi clone up on our chart, it was perfect. He nailed them as 5 and 5.5, or 45 and 50 degrees respectively. But when he used SRIs chart, the 5.5 lie blade did not line up at 46 degrees. It was a better fit at my 50 degree chart.

Now, what totally screws things up, is that I then took a Messier TPS blade and did the same tests. This time, SRIs 6 lie (47 degree) chart was dead on! My chart was waaaaay off. It was nowhere near my 55 degrees. We marked the same centerpoint on the blade too to make sure we were lining it up correctly.

So, I have come to some final conclusions. 1) I am def. not a mathematician. 2) There must be some sort of standard that companies use, yet I could not see it as Christian backed my chart, but TPS backed SRIs chart. 3) The presence of rockered lies makes it extremely difficult to define lies. 4) Whatever the blade lists as the lie, go with it...charts, especially mine when trying to find 6 lies or higher, SUCK.

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Hey heres a quick TPS question, i dont wanna start a new thread for this little one.

Is a TPS XN10 (i took this name from the MSH reviews) the same as a TPS RESPONSE XN10 ?

I dont know anything bout TPS sticks, so thats why im asking.


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not quite, tps has 3 xn10 models

tps response xn10 - onepiece

tps r2 xn10 - taper shaft

tps redlite xn10 (aka RL xn10) - standard shaft

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Sven,there are three versions of the XN10 OPS, the first just says XN10 on it, the next one has newer graphics but no blue and there is a soft grip on it,then you get the retail model.

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My chart has degrees varying by 5. So:

45 = 5, 50 = 5.5, 55 = 6 and so on.

SRI, your chart has lies varying by single degrees. So:

45 = 5, 46 = 5.5, 47 = 6 and so on.

Now, I have been using my chart for several years and it hasn't done me wrong...BUT, most, if not all of my blades are 5 or 5.5 lies (I only use Modos or clones). Now this topic has come up so I have put my chart up for some scrutiny, mostly because Kovy asked for some help, and I don't want to be giving out any bad info.

Me and my old man did some tests. And we found some VERY strange findings. First of all, as SRI indicated, the "Rockered lies" make it very difficult to properly locate the centerpoint. Some of the blades tip up at the toe, some slant down at the heel...which makes it hard to find where the best measuring point should be.

I did a blind test on my dad. I gave him 2 blades that had the lie printed out on it (Christian Tapered blades I got from Chadd), but taped over the print of the lie number. He took the blade and put it up against my chart and SRIs chart. When he put the 5 lie Modo clone, and the 5.5 lie Recchi clone up on our chart, it was perfect. He nailed them as 5 and 5.5, or 45 and 50 degrees respectively. But when he used SRIs chart, the 5.5 lie blade did not line up at 46 degrees. It was a better fit at my 50 degree chart.

Now, what totally screws things up, is that I then took a Messier TPS blade and did the same tests. This time, SRIs 6 lie (47 degree) chart was dead on! My chart was waaaaay off. It was nowhere near my 55 degrees. We marked the same centerpoint on the blade too to make sure we were lining it up correctly.

So, I have come to some final conclusions. 1) I am def. not a mathematician. 2) There must be some sort of standard that companies use, yet I could not see it as Christian backed my chart, but TPS backed SRIs chart. 3) The presence of rockered lies makes it extremely difficult to define lies. 4) Whatever the blade lists as the lie, go with it...charts, especially mine when trying to find 6 lies or higher, SUCK.

Christian Recchi clone is a 5 lie.

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The blade on the Christian Recchi Clone says 5.5 on it. And I also got a Modo Clone from you, and that blade says 5 on it. And the two blades do not have the same lie....unless of course you start screwing around with trying to find the exact centerpoint to measure from, then anything is possible. It could be a 4.5 or a 6 lie!

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The blade on the Christian Recchi Clone says 5.5 on it. And I also got a Modo Clone from you, and that blade says 5 on it. And the two blades do not have the same lie....unless of course you start screwing around with trying to find the exact centerpoint to measure from, then anything is possible. It could be a 4.5 or a 6 lie!

My bad, I was thinking of the Iggy clone. I'm still recovering from yesterday, ignore anything I say that looks wrong today. :blink:

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