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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Fusion Sticks

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I have one now, an intermediate flex, Hossa pattern. Initial thoughts through two games are very positive for me. I like the stick a lot, the feel is very nice. One I talked to on here, colonials22 said this.

"I got 3 of them and broke 2 right at the blade, the stick was good but I cold not get a consistent slapshot with it, and I had to candycane it because the shaft was just too slippery for my taste. I had an 87 flex/P106. So after I broke my second one I go into the proshop and buy a Intermediate flex (77? didnt say on it)/P106 and it lasted 2 games and a shot at practice broke right in the middle and flew backwards. I have since gone back to my synthesis."

I didn't have a chance to ask how big he is, but I'm a pretty puny fellow (5'3", 125 lbs)

But so far, very nice stick, being I haven't used a wood stick in years.

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Oops, disregard my posts on this topic. I was talking about the Bauer Fusion ELITE stick, and you wanted opinions on the Fusion stick. Didn't realize they were two different sticks until now. My bad!

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