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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do footbeds make a difference?

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do they make a difference in the feel of the skate? i just put some cheap ones in that have groves and stuff on the foot bed, and they feel like crap hurt the middle of my feet. i put in the ones that are in my other skates which are flat, the basic ones you get with skates. is it my skates or the footbeds that make my feet hurt? they are vapor XX's with alloy chasis on em, they are pro stock (used) and have been baked so are broken in somewhat. if you know any good footbeds let me know!

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you might want to try some superfeet footbeds, i had them in my missions and they seem to work pretty well

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I use the footbeds from my old CCM skates in my Missions. It has helped greatly with the arch support.

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do they make a difference in the feel of the skate? i just put some cheap ones in that have groves and stuff on the foot bed, and they feel like crap hurt the middle of my feet. i put in the ones that are in my other skates which are flat, the basic ones you get with skates. is it my skates or the footbeds that make my feet hurt? they are vapor XX's with alloy chasis on em, they are pro stock (used) and have been baked so are broken in somewhat. if you know any good footbeds let me know!

I think they make a difference. The stock footbeds are usually pretty cheap if you ever take them out and look at them. Personally I like the shock doctor hockey footbeds in my skates.


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High Arch - Get a foot bed with a lot of support...i.e. Superfeet, etc.

Low Arch - you want something that is basically flat and has no reinforcement. Just a thin piece of foam...

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