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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Performance vs Durability

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You know, no one has ever told me in the shop after trying on a Vapor XXX that the skate hurts like hell. They try on a few sizes, get the correct width and size and then we bake them.

I was just using the VAP XXX as an example. We have kids come in all the time who have their mind made up before they even come in what model they want. Even though other brands fit and feel better, they usually go home with the model they had their mind set on. Main reason for selection ... others on my team have them.

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when talking about skate.by how much more percent will the vapor XXX make you perform better?? let say...not more than 5% compared to my ''old'' 1152 or even 852 tack that i had for 2 years...

Excellent question! I'd love to see the answer, not anecdotal or just opinion, but real lab tests using average hockey players, not pros. Does that 2oz lightness really do anything for performance?

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