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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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question on Inno 1100

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Not to bring a topic back from the dead but...

I looked inside my fused Novius, and on that sticker it says Inno 1100 but I bought a Novius! I cant see my numbers for the flex weight and blade weight but I definetly see Inno 1100 inside. Whats up with that?

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I dont know how to tell....the left wall of the shaft looks the same/same thickness as the right wall (I'm lefty).

Flex it both ways. If it's a Novius, it will feel stiffer flexing it on the backhand.

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Ok, I will try that when I get home. I can try to get a picture, but...the sticker is inside the shaft probobly a good 2 inches and you can just see it if you tilt it in the right light, so I dont know if any picture will work too well. It most definetly says 1100 on it though. I bought it from cupolo so I would think it wouldent be a "counterfit" stick or whatever.

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Cupolo buys a lot of seconds and mis-marked items. Since you mentioned that, I'd be almost positive that it's really an 1100.

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So Inno accidently painted a batch of 1100's as Novius'? Gee that kinda sucks :( Oh well, the 1100 is still a good stick. Won't be buying or directing people to buy from there anymore though. Thanks for the heads up ljack, I'll still try and flex it and get some pictures though.

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I have one of the $50 "1100s". I started scratching away the paint to see what was underneath. You can see pictures in the other thread. Now people are saying that it may be a Novius. Now I was wondering about the whole right/left thing. I'd think that it was a righty because the logo underneath would be upsidedown if I flipped the stick over and made it a lefty. I don't feel it being stiffer on the backhand, though. How do you check the boron spine?

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What I dont understand is why there is a ton of Inno's painted different from what they really are. I've never heard of synergies being painted one thing but being another, except for pro models to promote si core/grip or whatever.

How can Inno have so many sticks like that? Does someone press the wrong button at the paint factory? Its kind of upsetting to find this out after I thought I had purchaesd a novius, only to find out its a 1100. Anyone know how this happens?

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I'm wondering the same thing. All I'm really concerned with now is that I have a shaft that's made for a righty (or both).

This picture tells me that it's a righty, but I don't know for sure.


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Well if flexing it doesnt work, maybe try looking inside or sticking a straw or something down in along the shaft walls and see if it hits something in there. I'm not sure if the spine is a addon piece inside one shaft wall or just stiffer construction on one side. Do you think if i scratched the paint off my "novius" i would find alternate graphix?

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I'd check, but I don't wanna rip it apart. I have another that should me here on Monday, though. Who knows what the hell's under the graphics of some of these sticks. :(

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The graphics underneath seem to be part of the actual composite and not painted on. Do any Innos look like that before they're painted?

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