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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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visor questions

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1. I use an oakley stright/small visor and am switching to an itech hs22s straight visor...how much bigger will the itech be (is it the same size as an oakley pro straight cut because it looks smaller than that one)

2. I have a bunch of AFR cleaner, is it safe to use on an itech visor?

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HS22 is an inch or so longer, I can' t use it unless I get the "wave" version. I believe the AFR is ok to use on the Itech, I'll check on one of my old ones tonight when I get home.

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i use a medium CCM HT852 helmet, and just ordered an oakley pro straight cut, will there be any special or specific modifications or adjustments necessary for it to fit my helmet?


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theres a big chance ill be ordering from eastwest hockey unless they dont sell any, where will i be able to get some, through the internet? its hard to get misc stuff over here in the philippines.

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