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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor X shaft

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i'm pretty sure it's the same as the nike apollo, just the bauer version of it withs ome stick'um. i've held it in my hands, and it feels identical.

personally i love the feel of my apollo, and since it's kinda hard to come by in my area, if my shaft goes the way of the dodo, i wouldn't hestiate in picking up a vapor X shaft.

wheelbarrow handle, great radius, what more can you ask for (other than taper)...

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ultraman7k Posted on Nov 3 2005, 04:16 AM

  i'm pretty sure it's the same as the nike apollo, just the bauer version of it withs ome stick'um. i've held it in my hands, and it feels identical.

personally i love the feel of my apollo, and since it's kinda hard to come by in my area, if my shaft goes the way of the dodo, i wouldn't hestiate in picking up a vapor X shaft.

wheelbarrow handle, great radius, what more can you ask for (other than taper)... 

I don't think they're the same. I thought the X was lighter than the Apollo. The composite recipe is different between the 2. I think the X is made more like the XV tapper shaft and XX OPS shaft, but with a standard 0.620" hossel.

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I know this is a nice shaft,even if i never tried it...but i was wondering if it was the same at the APOLLO!

because i'm deep in love with the orange-white graphics lol and i always whanted to try this shaft...but thought it felt too heavy...

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sounds the same as the apollo to me

Low Areal Weight Carbon-fiber construcion

Wheelbarrow Handle

Double Concave

.620 Composite System

maybe the only difference is Lowkick from Apollo and Stickum from X?

oh and the X is probably lighter

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anyhow, it feels the same in my hands...iirc, vapor X shaft is what...320 or 325g?

but in the end, it comes down to pp i suppose. for me, the apollo is plenty light. cheers.

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honestly, if I could pick between the two, I'd probably go with the Nike. I can't get enough of that paint job and it's the perfect weight.. It just feels so right in my hands. It's not heavy at all. I really hope Nike is coming out with a Flexlite shaft cause if they do, then I'm getting one for sure

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