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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey Chadd

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I figure you've been using the Kor skates long enough now to have some definitive opinions on whether or not they really do enhance your skating. What, if anything have you noticed in that regard pros/cons irrespective of fit and build quality?

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I know i'm not Chadd but i've used these skates for about 4 months and would like to give my opinion on them.

I'd say in regard to them enhacing your skating the biggest change I noticed was in the turning. These things feel like no other skate i have worn while turining. You can cut alot harder into your turn and can really ' turn on a dime'. As to them making you skate any faster i didn't really notice any difference between them and my vapor xx's.

In the durability respective in 4 months of use they look prctically brand new. Theres only little skate nicks here and there on the boot. I'd say the thing that suprised me the most was the protectiveness of the skate. I took a pretty hard slapshot off the forefoot from about 4 feet away and it barely hurt at all. I'm almost certain with my vapor xx's i'd have had a broken foot.

I think they are a very quality built skate and i will definetly be buying another pair. After the two or three practices it takes to get used to them they are a very nice very comfortable skate.

One of the weird things about the skate that i have grown to really like is the spandexish sock in the end of the skate. When skateing barefoot it feels extremely comfortable on your feet.

Overall will they make you a better skater? Most definetly not. If your a strong skater and loking to get a edge up on other people i'd definetly give them a chance. Even if your not really interested i atleats recommend trying them on next time your getting a new skate.

As to the fit i'm not really sure they don't feel much differnt than my vapors but there almost fully moldable as was pointed out on here.

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I am not Chadd either, but I can confirm the same view on the Kors. As solid as these skates are on the outside, the inside is equally nice. Very comfortable and soft inside. I just returned from a three day camp, 12 hours on the ice, and the skates held up wonderfully with no foot pain at all. Fit like a glove.

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I figure you've been using the Kor skates long enough now to have some definitive opinions on whether or not they really do enhance your skating. What, if anything have you noticed in that regard pros/cons irrespective of fit and build quality?

As mentioned, the ability to turn rapidly and at high speeds is the number one thing I noticed. Second is the protective nature of the skates. I actually developed a bad habit of throwing my foot out to block shots, something that has already come back to haunt me. :blink: They're a great skate and I have no problems suggesting them to people. One of the guys on my team is using them and absolutely loves them. I will be trying another pair at some point in hopes that I just had a bad pair.

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Which brand of skates do they fit like initially? (Before fancy heating and stuff)

I have feet that would fit in something wider than CCM's offerings :P

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