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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX vs. Supreme 8090

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How do these 2 skates compare to each other, and how are they different? I just noticed a large difference in price, and I was wondering what makes the one better than the other. Thanks for any help.

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if you read the bauer website it explains that the supremes are more durable without as much performance and the XXs have more performace than the 8090s.... (something along these lines)+the above comment....

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How comparable are they in weight? What makes the Vapor a better performance skate? Thank for all your help. I was very surprised to see a $150 (cdn) price difference between the 2 skates.

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performance = lighter. Take everything you read on any manufacturers website with a grain of salt, there's a lot of marketing buzz involved in it.

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IMO, the two skates are built for different skating styles. XX's have a lot more flexibility built into them, especially forward flexion. 8090's are more of a classic, high support, fairly stiff boot. The XX's are a little lighter

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I would definitely side with ljack on this one. I would not say that the Vapor XX boot has more flexibility than the 8090 boot at all. I had Vapor XXs before I bought V-12s and found the Vapor XXs to be much stiffer than I anticipated them being.

I have not tried out the 8090s so I can't comment on their flexibility, but if they are supposed to be stiffer than the Vapor XXs then they would almost have to be supported by titanium in the ankles b/c I am not sure how a Bauer boot could have gotten any stiffer than the XXs.

I would say to try them both on and judge for yourself.

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