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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which Skate...

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If each of these skates cost the same (new or used) which one would you buy and why? I am 6ft, 250lb, and sometimes play pick-up games. Mostly, I practice with my son, who is 9.

1) CCM Externo E60

2) CCM 652

3) CCM 452

4) CCM Vector

Remember, each one cost the same. I am going with CCM becuse the boot seems to fit a wider foot - which I have.

I am very interested in the dif between the Externo and the 652 and 452.

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As someone who skates in Vectors and Externos, I'd say the best bet of that list is the E60. I think its an awesome skate and most places have them at awesome prices as well.

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definately not the 452s..

I thought they were the worst skate ever, I can almost roll up my tendon guard and i can pretty much crush teh boot by squeezing it from the sides..

652 is not that bad of a skate but if all of these skates cost the same, definately get the Externo E-60s.

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Does the e60 come in E widths? I noticed many of the on-line stores only carry 8.5D. I think I might need an 8.5E. There are no stores in my area that carry the Externo line, so I am flying blind, sort of.

Researching the E60, it seems it is a better skate than even the CCM 652. A used 652 will cost me about the same at a new E60.

Since E60s have the F-I-T, does the width make much of a diff? I have never had a pair of baked skates.

Yea, I'm a newbie. Just looking for advice on how to best spend my hard earned cash.

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