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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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worst game

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just got home from what has by far been my worst game. I did it all, screened the goalie to let one in..made a bad blind pass to allow a break away..that let one in backed up to far into the goalie on a rush...that let one in and had a deflection off my skate right into the net.

I'm trying to tell myself that there are a lot of lessons to be learned from this game..being patient with the puck and no blind passes ..especially since Im new to this team. The one save face is we lost 7-1 which makes the 4 goals that were my fault pointless....right ... ya right.

anyone else??

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Hey, it happens to the best of us, for people like me, quite often. The best thing to do is not to dwell on it. Most of the time I analyze what I should or shouldn't have done but it just causes stress and isn't worth torturing yourself over. I've lost a lot of blades because of this. The best thing to do is to go out there and just react not think about what you're gonna do.

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did you shoot on your goalie? i did. the funny thing was my goalie said afterwards he was expecting it, i was just trying to clear the puck off the boards but missed and hit my goalie instead, the other team scored on the rebound.

check out the other thread about playing bad, it has great tips on how to bounce back. its just one game.

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Wow the same thing happened to me i scored on myself and snapped my si core on cross bar cuz i was pissed than at the point the puck jumped my stick and the kid got a break away and scored but than i got pissed and started killin ppl and i got 2 assist lol but for about a period i didnt even wana go out on the ice

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as a matter of fact I did almost shoot on my goalie.. I was behind the net trying to clear and I somehow hit the back of the goal.. nothing happened as a result of that... but I felt like and idiot... I felt like an idiot the whole game ..one of the most embarrassing moments ever and it lasted 45 minutes.. I didn't play bad the whole game but it didn't matter I felt jinxed everytime I hit the ice

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Hang your head in shame.

For one night. Then get over it.

We all have bad games. MY last one was horrible. But you can't do anything about the game once it's over. But if you dwell on it and let it spill over into the next game, you will be tentative, hesitating on the ice, afraid to make plays. And that will make it worse.

For your next game, before you go out on the ice, start thinking about your game and visualize yourself making good plays. Like you know you're capable of making.

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Wow the same thing happened to me i scored on myself and snapped my si core on cross bar cuz i was pissed than at the point the puck jumped my stick and the kid got a break away and scored but than i got pissed and started killin ppl and i got 2 assist lol but for about a period i didnt even wana go out on the ice

Punctuation is your friend.

Anyone else having flashbacks to reading "Johnny got his gun" back in high school?

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Wow the same thing happened to me i scored on myself and snapped my si core on cross bar cuz i was pissed than at the point the puck jumped my stick and the kid got a break away and scored but than i got pissed and started killin ppl and i got 2 assist lol but for about a period i didnt even wana go out on the ice

Punctuation is your friend.

Anyone else having flashbacks to reading "Johnny got his gun" back in high school?

No, but I've seen the video for "One" by Metallica.

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