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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SiN System bearings

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You have been warned. Me and a bunch of the guys on my old team got these bearings, the cermaic models, great for like the first 2 weeks but after that good luck. They break and fall apart. I went through about 3 sets of replacements for these bearings before I just gave up and went back to swiss bearings.

I would really just stick with like swiss bearings or something else.

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Ok, the bearings aren't that bad. But I do agree with game, stay away from them. Honestly, I think it really depends on your starting skating stride. It seemed like the bearings were under too much force for certain people, causing the ball bearings to come out their crowns.

The first few skates with them were AWESOME. There's no doubt there, but then they started to make a funny clicking noise, and eventually, they wouldn't spin. When you took them out to check it out, the ball bearings would fall out. Interesting, eh?

SinSystems were really good about replacing those that became unusable, but it got annoying sending back so many bearings. The tophat system that they designed was a great concept, maybe they've improved upon it. It has been about 3 or 4 years since I've used them.

Hope this helps.

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