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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Trying to Score Some Tickets

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I have convinced my girlfriend that it would be a good idea for her to sit in the passenger seat while I drive six hours (round-trip) to Ithaca to see Cornell battle Harvard at Lynah. The problem is, individual tickets don't go on sale until the week of the game (which is in Feb.), and I am pretty sure that, by that time, with the high demand for tickets to such a big-rivalry game, they'll be all gone.

Basically, I'm just kinda hoping that someone here has some way of scoring me some tickets for me (might-as-well ask, right?). I really want to get into the game, and am probably willing to spend upwards of $40-$50 per ticket. I would really appreciate it if any of you could help me in any way, but something tells me that my chance of finding connections here are slim-to-none...

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Don't know if I can help you for the Harvard game (already got my tickets :P ) but if you are interested in seeing Cornell vs. Niagara on Nov. 25 or Cornell vs. RIT on january 7 I could hook you up (I won't be in Ithaca for those games).

Try keeping your eye on www.elynah.com, there is a ticket exchange forum. Tickets to the Harvard game should start popping up there soon, you just have to get lucky and hit it at the right time. Single-game tickets go on sale for weekend games on friday mornings at 10 AM. The line for Harvard tickets will probably start forming on thursday night, maybe even wednesday if people are that intense.

Short of that, Cornell is playing Harvard in Boston tonight haha, maybe you can make it if you drive fast...

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Cornell is playing Harvard in Boston tonight haha

You mean Lynah East?

The RIT game would probably work out pretty well, as I will finally be able to drive after 9pm then. Let me know how many there are and how much you want for them. Thanks, buddy.

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