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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno 1100 Tapered vs. Synthesis

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I've read all the threads and reviews and it seems that people are pretty happy with both of these shafts. I've used OPS (both Synergy and fused 1100) quite a bit but never a combo - but now I've decided to give a combo a shot. I picked up one of the pro return Inno blades at the Hockey Shop (looks really nice!), now I just need a shaft to put it in. I've narrowed it down to the Grip Synthesis (100 flex) and the 1100 tapered (260 flex with PolarFiber) which are both available locally.

I was wondering, for those on the board that have used both shafts, is there anything you've found that would lead you to stay away from one versus the other? I'm 6 ft, 195 lbs, play forward and have a pretty heavy slapshot, average stickhandler.

Thanks for any input.

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Pretty much what I would think. I dont have a big shot so I get no torquing or twisting so I would go with the 1100. The Inno stuff I have used is very durable. Eastons grip also peels off after a little while.

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id say the synthesis takes the back seat to the 1100 in almost every category. Most of us have experienced nothing but good things durability wise form innovative, and the shaft is more balanced and lighter. It accepted all blades i tried to use in it perfectly, even eastons and TPS. Synthesis shafts only seem to want to take synthesis blades. 1100 is probably the best tapered shaft ive tried, but ive never used the ops.

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It accepted all blades i tried to use in it perfectly, even eastons and TPS. Synthesis shafts only seem to want to take synthesis blades.

I found my Synthesis shaft doesn't even take well to Synthesis blades. There's always some small tenon gap that I have to pad up with tape for a tight fit. The Novius I had fit virtually every tapered blade perfectly.

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