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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Complete Gear Setup on a Budget

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Man, first of all a huge thanks to everyone who chimed in on my earlier thread for shops. Looks like The Hockey Shop and Cyclone Taylor will be the go when I get to BC. Now all I have to do is figure out what to get!

Basically I have around a 6-700 dollars budget (CDN) for *everything* So factoring getting all the cheapest protective gear, and the cost to ship this all back to Australia, I really only have 2-300 left from that to spend on skates. Probably only 250 in reality. Is there a specific skate, or particular manufacturer that I should be looking at in this price range? I know I cant get anything great, but just looking for a solid skate that will get me through the next 18 months or so.

It would be nice to go with a brand that has consistant sizing, so in a year or so when I can afford a better skate, I can order online without worry. But again, looking at sites like hockeymonkey.com, there is just so much choice than what I am used to, I cant tell what features are bullshit or whats going to make it a better skate. I mean, do I really need more Retsin® in my blades?

In terms of protective gear, CCM seems to have the best prices on stuff. Anyone have any experience with their stuff? Any comments in general appreciated!

Thanks so much for everyone again. Your help has been incredible! I can't wait to hit the ice again...



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Cyclones has alot of great skates on clearance (Easton Air/Z-air, and bauer classic gold come to mind), just go and try on any of the clearance high end skates from 2-3 years ago.

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try sportchek


you can download their flyer, they have a sale every week

they have some decent deals, but you have to be a smart shopper there, as they do have a lot of low end stuff mixed with the good deals

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Have to check out the consignment store "Cheapskates" on West 16th(I think in vancouver along the way to UBC). They have 3 or 4 shops that are close by and the hockey one is on that street. They have a system where people bring in items and are marked off 10% every 7 or 10 days until they are free. I'm a little unclear since I haven't been there in ages but sometimes you get good stuff.

Other Vancouverites, please chime in on the exact location if I am wrong!

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Thanks for the responses everyone. Cheapskates + Sportchek were great suggestions. I am still trying to figure out exactly what I am looking for. Can any of you recommend a certain skate or manufacturer in the 200-250 range that I should be looking at, or with a good track record? or should I just be going by feel?

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I was actually at The Hockey Shop Today with my cousin getting new stuff for him

he bought

1 Pair of Eagle X46 gloves

Itech 4495 shoulder pads which were SUPER protective and light weight

1 Z Carbon woody stick

New Wax Laces

1 XL practice size jersey to replaced his ripped one

total came to $216 taxes in and they were nice enough to put the gloves inthe skate oven for a few mins to soften them up.

I saw the Stealth grip on sale for $239 today! many patterns for both RH and LH Lots of pro stock sticks in there right now too.

I think sportchek is blowing out the Vapor VII for $99 or something,Easton

Ultra Lite 04 Sr. Skate for $119.99 and the Mission M2 pant is $49 at sport chek as well ,which is very close to The hockey shop in guildford mall

These seem to be nice and fit in your budget for skates




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I would say, if you have wider feet i would say TACKS LINE..especially the 2004 lines..at closeout

I'm 180 pound playing aorund 3-4 time per week..15yr...and my 1152 lasted me 2 year!

You should choose the 852 or higher!

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I think we're selling our V-10 skates for $239 at The Hockey Shop. I'm working tomorrow so I'll check what we have for sale or whats in your $250 budget.

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v-10s are at National for 199.99, you can try the S500's 199.99 as well also try on the Bauer 5090 very nice skate they are on sale at National for 179.99, when I go into work tmw i will double check what else we have but that would be Mid to High end skates.

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