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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Market share hockey skates us Can market

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Please help me out you great knowers on the forum,

I am working with a case and need market share for all skate companies in Us and Canada, can somebody give me a clue, i like to make one for my country Norway and hope to be able to compare with the biggest market in the world!

Thanks for all help!

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Please help me out you great knowers on the forum,

I am working with a case and need market share for all skate companies in Us and Canada, can somebody give me a clue, i like to make one for my country Norway and hope to be able to compare with the biggest market in the world!

Thanks for all help!

You may be able to get some of those statistics from the hockey industry trade association, IHIA.

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