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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weight Vest

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I was thinking of buying a weight vest for summer training. I am wondering if anyone on the board uses one or knows someone who uses one and has any comments about it, whether they like it or not. Thanks in advance.

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They're great. You don't need it in the summer only though. You can wear it even to school and around school. It doesn't seem like that would help much, but it really strengthens your legs.

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I was thinking of buying a weight vest for summer training. I am wondering if anyone on the board uses one or knows someone who uses one and has any comments about it, whether they like it or not. Thanks in advance.

Yeah, I know Jagr uses one. And it does him pretty damn good.

But don't let that be the only thing you use for training.

Yeah, I would like it for running, sprints, drills, and on ice workouts. How expensive are they though.

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I can get those, well actually somthing like those, for free. My mom works in a hospital, and I can get the ripped/defective lead jackets from there if I want. Don't worry though, they aren't radioactive, lol.

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I bought a standard fishing vest with a ton of pockets in it and put old lead weights in it. It works great and didn't cost me an arm and a leg $10 at Sportmart versus around $100 online.

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The only trouble with the weight vest is that your knees and ankles have to handle the pounding of the extra weight. If you are doing a lot of running or any plyometrics, I would instead use some bungee cords or a parachute to add the extra resistance. They have some funky bungee cord things that attach between your hip and thight to add resistance for running. You could also simply try running up hill or stadium stairs (wooden ones preferred).

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