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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thumblock in the TPS gloves, in or out

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OK,so I am just getting into playing hockey, and am picking up the gear. Last week I got a pair of Louisville TPS gloves, they are new, but probably last year or the year before model. I got them out at my LHS for about $50.

There is a little insert in the thumb, and it can be taken out. My question is, is it supposed to be taken out.

What difference does it make. Does it make the thumb move easier, or whats the purpose of it.

Sorry for my woeful ignorance.

They look like this or close to it, like I say, they are not this years model, but its that white insert in the thumb I am asking about.

Thank you

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It is removable. Take it out and you'll see...the thumb has more play to it.

OK, thanks, now, the thumb having more play, is that a good or bad thing for a beginner, or is it all just what feels comfortable.

They felt good on in the shop, but I haven't been out on the ice yet, since I have to pick up pants yet, but hopefully I will get there soon

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