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stick lie

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i recently just got the new hex-1 stick. the only curve they had was a hatcher, so i got it. when i came back i realized it was a 7 lie. my old stick was a 5 lie and i liked it a lot. when i look at all the other "pros" who use a 7 lie i've realized..well.. lets just say hatcherand peca arent the greatest "danglers" in the NHL. is the 7 lie just a crappy lie? i thought maybe i could get used to it, but maybe it wont even matter? all of the good stickhandlers in the nhl seem to be a 5 lie. am i way off on this assumption?

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For one, the patterns that the pros use are different from their retail patterns even though they have the name on the stick. Secondly, a 7 lie is for a small minority of players. If you are a more upright skater and likes to handle the puck close to their feet, then it would be alright for you. I like a 5 lie myself. I too just bought a Hex-1 in the Elias pattern. I know it is a Modano clone, but I was surprised to find that the lie is slightly higher. 5.5 or 6. I'm not sure I like that. Most players use patterns in the 5-6 range.

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What is the Elias? I swear it is higher than a 5. I held it against my Easton Forsberg and is was definitely not the same.

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I don't know if they've redone things, but I have an Elias L2 it's pretty close to the Modo in terms of lie. However, I believe one blade is longer than the other....just can't remember which one.

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The Elias curve is just a hair smaller. 5/16'' vs. 3/8''. The Elias is also a slightly shorter blade. I held the shafts together and made sure that the heels of the two blades were at the same level and the middle and toe of the blade on the Elias was higher than the Forsberg. (or lower if you hold the sticks upside down) That is why I said that the lie must be a 5.5 or 6. I've only used the stick in warm up and it felt alright. I thought the Hex-1 had excellent puck feel. Maybe the best of any OPS I've tried. It was a little weird shooting with it at first. I attributed that to the difference in lie. I really like how the blade is so thin. I noticed that it seemed to help with saucer passes.

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if the hatcher is really a 6 and not a 7, and the elias is really a 5.5 and not 5, then that means it should be even easier for me to get used to it. awesome.

by the way, anyone know what kind of lies people like kovalchuke, gretsky and mario used?

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Not sure about Kovalchuk. I'm pretty sure that Gretz used a low lie. 5 or lower. Probably a 4 or 4.5. Mario is taller and skates more upright. I'm guessing he uses a 6 or so, I really couldn't say for sure though. Maybe someone else knows.

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if the hatcher is really a 6 and not a 7, and the elias is really a 5.5 and not 5, then that means it should be even easier for me to get used to it. awesome.

by the way, anyone know what kind of lies people like kovalchuke, gretsky and mario used?

Elias is slightly higher than 5 but not 5.5, not even 5.25

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Thanks Chadd. That makes me feel good. Does anyone know what angles each lie are (in degrees)?

5 is 45 degrees, each half in lie is another degree or so if I remember correctly.

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