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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I think that's a terrible idea. I realize that the scholarship committees won't likely know that you hired someone to do this for you, but how do you think that would reflect on your character. "Yes, I really need this money to go to school and I will work extremely hard so as not to disappoint those who have been so kind as to give me this opportunity...oh, but I'm too lazy to hunt for and fill out the applications myself, and I don't need the money that badly since I was able to pay someone to do this for me"

My actual contribution to this post though, however, is to talk to your high school counsellers office. They usually have copies of almost any scholarship a student could be eligible for. Usually, however, you need to belong to a certain organization to be eligible for a scholarship, so you'd likely already know about it. As far as the large scholarships bestowed by companies and schools, you are usually nominated for those by your school on an academic basis and will be informed of such nominations. That's how it worked when I graduated and I doubt it's changed much over the last 4 years.

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You can also hire people to search and apply for scholarships for you, I might do that next year.

bad idea, there have been some big scams out there with people hiring someone to help them with scholarships. my school has warned us a lot about this. ur counselor will have all the info you will need for applying for scholraships.

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i was about to start a topic about scholarships, but behold...the search feature DOES work!!

anyways, im a senior in highschool and i am wondering if any of you all got scholarships for college.

what kinds of scholarships are easy to recieve? what kinds are very rare and hard to get?

also, does anyone know any more websites for scholarships?

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I only know of Canadian sites - there are lots of them. My advice tho' is to suggest people look into this well BEFORE senior year - that way, if you need something "extra" to qualify for the scholarship you have lots of time to do it/get it before the last minute scramble of applying in Senior year.

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I would say the best bet is to go to your school guidance office and ask about scholarship.s You can probably find something obscure...even if they are small, $500 at a time adds up. Go to your library also, there's lotta books, and I used one that was the size of a large phone book with practically every scholarship available-- it's kinda like one of those books like lists all the colleges in the country. Or go to the college's financial aid office. I got a UPS scholarship cause I allowed them help me find more money.

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