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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Maxsight

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It is a tinted contact lense for sports.

No mention of it's use for hockey but there is a amber tint that blocks out blue light or osmething that mkes it easier to see baseballs (there was a batter that used it in the MLB) and there is a green tint one that helps you with depth perception for sports such as golf (Michelle Wie uses it)

What do you guys think about wearing the amber one for hockey?

More info can be found here:


It costs $60 USd for 6 pairs I believe, I think you can claim these on your insurance too

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lol I don't want to buy them

just curious what people's reaction to such a product is.

I think the lenses are good for 1 month so the 6 pairs last you 6 months.

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I know, just a little skepticism on my part. I don't doubt that the tint may help you see a little better by blocking out unnecessary wavelengths, but it's like wearing a tinted visor (maybe invest in one of those - it'll last longer) - it's not going to make you a better player. My take on it is that it isn't going to be a day and night difference, so why bother?

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Remember that tinted lenses stress your eyes a lot!

Maybe if you use them for short periods (like a hockey game) they dont bother you, but i suggest going to your eye doctor first so he can evaluate if your eyes have no problem wearing them or if it's better to buy a tinted visor

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