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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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8090 Exterior Stitching

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I've had graf 703's for as long as I can remember before these 8090's I bought.....skated in them the first time last night......amazing boots! I couldn't happier. But.....

I took a big skate gash to the side of the boot and wiped out a bunch of stitching last night....it looks to me that the exterior stitching is just cosmetic, it doesn't seem large enough to be structural stitching. I was curious if anyone thought I would need to get that are re-stitched. Thanks!


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I wouldn't worry about the stitching unless part of the boot is loose. It's interesting that you were in a 703 and went into 8090's---those 2 skates don't really fit the same.

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the stitching is entirely cosmetic. i've had my pair for about a year and a half, and practically all the stitching is cut on one side of hte boot, but it's structurally no different (besides the normal breakdown associated with skates).

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i was thinking about buying some 8090's but they didnt fit my foot at all. oh well i guess ill wait until the store has some more flexlite 10's in

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