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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK help.

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am i the only person to think that its an ugly helmet?

I think that award goes to the Bauer 8000.

yes, Bauer 8000 is the ugliest helmet. alongside with the Nike Quest.

put some jofa helmets up there too

Ugly but soo comfy. I still prefer the older model 690 without the Bauer 5000 style pad packets.

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Had a couple more RBK helmets with detached pieces last week.

I dont like the look of the Bauer 8000's, however its the only helmet that actually fits my head properly. ;)

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Had a couple more RBK helmets with detached pieces last week.

I dont like the look of the Bauer 8000's, however its the only helmet that actually fits my head properly. ;)

There are so many variables in durability, with the main one being how the owner takes care of it. If you throw your helmet around, or slam your bag down, you will have problems regardless of brand. I wouldn't say the RBKs are any more or less durable than any other brand. Nice helmet though and virtually every one of my customers loves them. How do I know this? I ask them.

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I agree Jimmy, regarding durability and its numberous variables.

But I was referring to what we had in our store, as mentioned in an earlier post. I think the RBK's are nice helmets, but they should not fall apart simply from customers handling them and trying them on.

I'm not trying to generalize here. I'm just noting what I have observed in our case. And in fairness, I should also point out that many of our 5000's from the most recent shipment have had their comfort foam shifted or missing altogether--even before any customers have handled them.

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I agree Jimmy, regarding durability and its numberous variables.

But I was referring to what we had in our store, as mentioned in an earlier post. I think the RBK's are nice helmets, but they should not fall apart simply from customers handling them and trying them on.

I'm not trying to generalize here. I'm just noting what I have observed in our case. And in fairness, I should also point out that many of our 5000's from the most recent shipment have had their comfort foam shifted or missing altogether--even before any customers have handled them.

Yup. how UPS treats the stuff before it gets here is a big factor. Helmets always come apart some way or another. Especially helmets with glued on foams. If they are left in the truck in the middle of summer, baking, the glues loosen. Add banging around and you going to have some problms.

UPS or fedex, can remember, once delivered a stick package that had been dropped on the butt end. It compressed the composites and snapped a couple of shafts.

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I haven't heard any real complaints about RBK products thus far, but we have had a couple 8k helmets--including our display one--where the composite inserts had come loose.

I picked up an 8K helmet. Love it, but three games later the composite inserts have come loose.

What did you do with instock helmets with shifting inserts? What did your customers do? Crazy glue?

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