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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Town Authentics

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I'm planning a trip to HTA for next weekend, and I would like to know if anyone has been there recently to see what OPS' they have right now. I particulary (sp?) interested in picking up a William's XXX Lite, Shanny Warrior (if they aren't ridiculous), or if any RH Red Wings are using an ST, I'd like one of those. Has anyone who has been there recently seen any of those?

**Just remembered someone posting about Shanny Warriors, so I'd be looking for the other two**

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i was just there a couple weeks ago with the same thought of picking up a XXX lite before they were pubically released, but i showed up and i was very dissapointed. they had maybe 20 ops sticks and they were all older, a couple innos, the 3 old synergys and things like that. a few grafs , but no XXX lites or warriors, im going out that way tomrorw so im gonna stop by and check just for you but i doubt that there will be any.

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The last time I was at the one in Troy a couple months ago there wasn't anything special. Like the other guys said, mostly just regular synergy's and other older sticks. But it's possible that they could have got some new stuff in, you never know. I think the one in Joe Louis had some newer sticks when I went to a Wings game about 3 weeks ago.

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called over there today and they only had 3 RH stick

shanny's warrior $249

maltby's syngery didn"t get price

lang's lazer didn't get price

but they had more LH

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