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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ice is very "hard" this year but before there was a russian guy running the rink and there was one of the best and "softest" ice that i skated on.

Uuh i hate when the ice is "soft"!! It feels as if your entire blade would dig into the ice and makes you slow ... In my old rink they wanted to save money and kept the ice at -4° or even -3° (Celsius) and not -8° as normal ... after 10 minutes of practice there huge amount of snow on the ice ...

Use a more shallow hollow and you don't sink in as much.

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This is the arena my league games usually are (and where I play Shinny). I'm pretty confident RadioGaGa plays out of here as well



Yeah...we played there this summer. Great facility.

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I'm most likely found in either one of these two rinks, the first one is a tiny barn-like rink in my neighborhood. It's probably the coldest arena in the world as it feels colder inside than outside even when it's like -15 degrees C (5 degrees F) out.


And the second one is called Kempehallen and is also the home of MoDo Hockey of the Swedish Elite League, but next season they will move to a new arena which is currently under construction. This one will however still be around for me to hang out at.


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