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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which set of holders would be good for this criteria? I currently have Vector Pro's and figure when my steel gets down too low (pretty quick with 2-3 leagues running simultaniously from sharpenings) I'd look into something else to shave some more wait/get better steel.

Opinions welcome.

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I would go with Pitch holders. They aren't any lighter but much have better steel. Otherwise just put new steel in your existing holders, they aren't that bad.

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coming from the rolite3 and t,blade i'm very happy with the edge of my LS2...last about 10-15 hours of skating...they laste the same as my t'blades was!

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coming from the rolite3 and t,blade i'm very happy with the edge of my LS2...last about 10-15 hours of skating...they laste the same as my t'blades was!

WOW! what hollow are you skating on and how much do you weigh :huh:

my lighspeeds lose their edge after about 4 hours of skating (i sometimes skate in them for more than that when i'm too busy to get them sharpened, and my coaches ask me why i fall so much :P)

i also switched to 3/4" hollow from 1/2' a half year ago, which felt like it held an edge longer

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Kinda weird,when i was peewee i used to have mt skate sharpened after 4-5 hours of skating...then i switched to t'blades and i started using 13 and then moved to 11 and finally to 9(please someone who know what these t blade number are. let us know to be more easy to understand)

This year i had flexlite(last eyelet unlaced) and i was using 3/8 , i finally decide that these skate werent good enough for me so i bought a pair of 852 laced at top...and i know use 5/8...with LS2 mounted

Here my conclusion: the more stiff or the more you lace your boot tight you will need less bite on the ice...the more you boot is giving up or the way you lace your skate you will need more edge

As for myselft i'M 6'1 180 pound my force is skating so i really use my skate,but this year i moved to defense( i had no choice...) and i needed less ''crunch'' to do cross-over and pivot all the time

Also: i got used to play with ''bad blade'' with my t'blades to save me some money!!

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