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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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stick tape wear

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i noticed last nite the tape on the heel of my stick is wearing off more than the rest of the blade. this would mean the stick is too long for the lie, correct? i just need to shorten it a bit?

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i wish i couldtry a lower lie. just bought this stick for 200$ tho. didnt know it was a 7 when i got it. really pissed off about that one.

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if your a heel curve kind of guy you'd want the heel part of your blade to be more on the ice than the mid or toe. so if you use drury, it might be perfect

or you like to keep the puck on the heel..

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i wish i couldtry a lower lie. just bought this stick for 200$ tho. didnt know it was a 7 when i got it. really pissed off about that one.

thats the problem with retail sticks. you buy the stick because of the curve... then get stuck with the lie. but that is why they have rounded bottoms... so the manufacturers can get away with only offering one so called lie per curve.

chances are, unless you are tall, even going shorter will not totally correct your problem. lie 7 is extremely upright. shortening the stick will help... but prob not enough

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