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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf RMS System

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How easy is it to do? Do you need to do anything special to the skates in order to use them? Any help will be appreciated?

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Its the screw and bolt system, you need to drill a much bigger hole than that of rivets

Thanks for that info Buzz,but why do you have to drill a hole bigger than the rivets?

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Okay,I was going to buy 3 sets of them from eBay,but Im not going to risk ruining skates,for nothing. I was going to use them to put TUUK Custom + on RBK 9k Pump skates if I get them,but Ill just get them riveted instead.

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Okay,I was going to buy 3 sets of them from eBay,but Im going to risk ruining skates,for nothing. I was going to use them to put TUUK Custom + on RBK 9k Pump skates if I get them,but Ill just get them riveted instead.

yeah id rivet them instead, makes less holes in the sole of the skate. the rms system is good only if there original holes

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