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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission l5

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any one skate these? i like the s series idk about the L series..anyone have any input? i wanna get a pair but idk i cant demo them around here.

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IDK? Dude, you have a whole keyboard and 10 fingers. It's not like text messaging, so use the whole key board so we can know WTF you're asking..... (this message is brought to you by an aging fuddy-duddy who is tragically out of it and doesn't "get" short-hand, text messaging lingo).

Oh yeah, and to get CAPS (to start a new sentence), just use the shift key..... :D

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Wow I got to stop using messenger. I actually put IDK on a paper for school. Pretty lame I know. Anyway "WTF" why do you just type it out? maybe I dont know what you are saying

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Wow I got to stop using messenger. I actually put IDK on a paper for school. Pretty lame I know. Anyway "WTF" why do you just type it out? maybe I dont know what you are saying

What HockeyMidget said, plus, I thought it added a funny irony..... ;)

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