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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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need help in found a new stick for female

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Hi all, I am looking for a new stick for my girlfriend, we play ice hockey in Hong Kong and I don't really know what to get her, please give me some comments and ideas!

Background Information :

Height : 5 foot 4

Weight : 105lbs

Beginner player

Shoot : Right

Currently, she has an Easton Intermediate Z-Bubble Grip Flex 70. Because we are not so tall, we have to cut the stick to about 5 feet (total stick length include the blade, current blade is Yzerman Z-carbon) for fit her playing style, after cutting the stick, it becomes so stiff that she can hardly shoot the puck! She has tried my stick (Typhoon Flex 80) and my stick is not as stiff as the Flex 70.

I am now trying to get her a new stick for replacement, and I don't really know what to get her. She likes the the Z-Bubble Grip's light weight, but it's too stiff, my Typhoon is too heavy for her. We are looking for a light weight and a stick she can bend it for shots. Please give me some comments and ideas, as my friend are coming over to US, so we can pick it up from a local store!!

Looking for a shaft replacement to be exact.. Prefer a 2 piece over 1 piece

Thank You in advance!

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Get an intermediate, but a new one. The new major brand's sticks are 65 flex. And Inno has a few flexes that should be around 60 for an intermediate stick, and they have them in 2-piece flavors.

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I kno what you mean, when you cut down your stick it just kills the flex me being a short guy myself. Dunno how well stick selection is in HK but I would say get a junior stick since shes a beginner or get intermediate TPS sticks, they are about 70 flex uncut and the more you use it the flexier it gets but it usally takes a while to go soft.

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she got her new stick from the LHS in HK, the one & only... haha... and it's a junior Typhoon, comes with a Rbk 1K blade.. for the price of US$64. so not bad for a local store price.. it's much cheaper in the US.. but at least got some service out of it!!

Keep you posted on how she likes it!!

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