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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf question

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Since I'm looking for new skates I'd thought I'd go with Grafs b/c of their durability. So comparing my 8.5 EE vapor XXX what length approxamitly would a pair of grafs be to fit (lengthwise)?

note: I'm not gonna buy online. This topic was to get an idea of the length so I dont waste 2 hrs of my time to drive to the only place in Chicago that carry grafs and not be able to try them on.

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I find graf and bauers have relatively the same lengthwise sizing. However, I do find the EE in bauer is not as wide as graf's size W.

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I find graf and bauers have relatively the same lengthwise sizing. However, I do find the EE in bauer is not as wide as graf's size W.

For me Grafs tend to be a hair longer, width depends on the model. G3s are fairly similar to Bauer for me, 705s are slightly wider.

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I work at a shop that has an awesome relation with Graf, and actually went to their factory last year. I also wear graf, and won't wear anything else. If you are looking to switch your skate, you need to be very careful going into a Graf. Graf has very little support in the ankle, and is an inch shorter in the ankle height compared to a bauer. As for length, it is approximately 1-1 1/2 sizes smaller than shoe size. I wear an 8 1/2 and wear a 7 in Graf.

Each Graf skate has about the same stiffness(with the exception of the 727 which is actually more flexible), each model fits totally different.

Your 3's (503,703,G3) is narrower in both the toe and heel. The 5's (605, 705, G5), are wider in toe and heel, and is deeper in the heel to accomidate a thick mid-foot. 9's are a narrow but very deep skate, you heel sits low into the heel. 35's have a combination of the narrow heel of the 3's, and the wider toe of the 5's. The 727 is the most flexible boot and fits wider.

As stated before, Graf is a totally different type of skate, geared toward a more technical skater that can really lay the skate down on the ice. It feels and performs more like the skates of the late 80's (bauer 1000, tack 451,651). It also throws the knee well over the toe, pitching forward much more than any other skate. Biggest complaint is that people feel like they are going to fall on their face.

If you get into a Graf, and like it, I can almost guarantee, you will never wear any other skate.

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Since I'm looking for new skates I'd thought I'd go with Grafs b/c of their durability. So comparing my 8.5 EE vapor XXX what length approxamitly would a pair of grafs be to fit (lengthwise)?

note: I'm not gonna buy online. This topic was to get an idea of the length so I dont waste 2 hrs of my time to drive to the only place in Chicago that carry grafs and not be able to try them on.

I had 5.5 XXX's (EE) and went to 5.5 W G35's.

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If you get into a Graf, and like it, I can almost guarantee, you will never wear any other skate.

That's not much of a guarantee, one could easily say that about any skate.

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