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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 700 pants

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The Snergy 700's are the next step down from the 900's which under Eastons old product rating system would be the Air pants. (The Z-Airs would be the equivilent to the Snergy 900's.) Judging from the past few years the 700's would be a good bet if your looking for a decent pair of hockey pants. Easton is known for their pants being some of the most protective on the market although in general their equipment tends to run a little more expensive than other major brands. I had a pair of 900's and didn't have any problems but I bought them too small. When I went back to return them they didn't have my size so I ended up with a pair of Tackla 951 Advantage which I am very happy with. The 700's though are probably a great bet if the Air pants are any indicator of their quality. If you where playing serious semi-pro or pro I'd go for the 900's but the 700's should be suuficient for any level of hockey below that. As I said before the protective qualities of Easton pants are very high. I personally like their newer trimmer style that addresses previous complaints that the Z-Airs and Airs had about their bulkyness at the back of the pants. Easton makes good hockey pants, gloves and skates. I can't see you going wrong with these pants.

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thanks for the info. i can get these pants for about $100 CAN, which i think is a good deal. my only real concern is that the back part of these pants seem kind of bulky, it's not segmentd like it is on a lot of pants, rather, it's just sort of like a tube. i tried them on a size too large, and it seemed like it would be okay, but i have to buy them a size down (or else the rest of hte pant won't fit) and i'm a little concerned about it being too restrictive.

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