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Vapor XXX Lite Shaft?

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If you look through the pics on the NHL gallery (sorry guys I don't know how to post images) find the pic of Ponikarovsky of Toronto tangled up with Jan Bulis of Montreal from last night. If you look close, there is a Vapor XXX Lite stick coming into the picture from the left side and it appears to have an Easton blade in it.

Vapor XXX Lite shafts too? Or maybe the XX shaft has new colors?

***Just found the same pic on getty images...absolutely an Easton blade in a XXX Lite shaft.


^this link is making the pic look really small. Try goin to gettyimages.com search under "ponikarovsky" and the pic will be there.

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Haha looked at the other XXX lite stick at first... "WTF is he talking about :P "

Damm I would love to get my hands on that shaft, wonder if it's just a made up version or a OPS cutted down, can remember someone on this board succesfully converting a XXX to a Taper Shaft.

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Yeah I didn't even notice that. The OPS Ponikarovsky is using is a XX that has the same paint as the XXX Lite.

But the shaft at the bottom is def. a XXX Lite shaft.

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That is Ken Klee, he used the old Vapor 10 shaft then went to the Vapor XX and now the XXX Lite. He isn't a big name so I think he is pulling a Fitzgerald with the blade in a OPS.

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The stick the mapleLeaf is using is a XX, are they coming out with a newer version this year?

I noticed this too, and my thoughts are that maybe the Xs start coming off after a while like some of the other Vapor sticks. I know that the Vs on my Vapor V came off after about 3-4 ice times. In addition, lots of people had the Xs on their XX sticks fall off, too.

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The stick the mapleLeaf is using is a XX, are they coming out with a newer version this year?

I noticed this too, and my thoughts are that maybe the Xs start coming off after a while like some of the other Vapor sticks. I know that the Vs on my Vapor V came off after about 3-4 ice times. In addition, lots of people had the Xs on their XX sticks fall off, too.

I can tell you that is not the case. The newer Vapor Models have grip covering the Decals,It would take awhile to wear the grip down so that just one X came off,Another thing is the X are connected.The fact is that stick is brand new,so how could the sticker come off?

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It has 3 yellow X's. He's been using that and the XX shaft as mentioned by McCabe earlier. I believe Lindros was using the XXX shaft on Wednesday night as well.

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