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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom '05 CCM Pro Tacks

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Thanks. Their only 7.5D, must be the camera angle.

I just wanted to get some of your expert opinions on these, having my first practice with the tuuk blades on monday, can't wait!


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I used to put Tuuks on all of my old CCMs, the new holders have been holding up pretty well though.

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I have the E-Blades on my Vector Pros, but I'm trying to get a set of t'blades for them. I haven't used Tuuk's before, but the E-pros feel pretty nice. I just don't like the incosistency of local sharpenings.

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I swapped them cuz I am used to tuuks & I like the way they skate. I love the CCM boot, but the E-Blade holder just felt kind of tacky to me. Also it uses the 11ft rocker, i like the idea of having a smaller rocker like the tuuk's 9ft. you gotta love that they are black too.

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I swapped them cuz I am used to tuuks & I like the way they skate. I love the CCM boot, but the E-Blade holder just felt kind of tacky to me. Also it uses the 11ft rocker, i like the idea of having a smaller rocker like the tuuk's 9ft. you gotta love that they are black too.

E-blade should be 10'

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Where did you find black tuuks? I've been looking for a set of 263's for a while.

The one wholesaler I use had a ton of them over the summer.

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They were hard to find, but eventually some guy at the Streatham Ice Rink in London (yes, london-england, hockey is big here too now-a-days!) had one pair in my size. I doubt it, but if you do live in england i am happy to give you his details

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