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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wrist Guards

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I was wondering if anyone knew where i could find jofa wrist guards that attach to the elbow pads by velcro. Jr has them and there is a picture here http://www.modsquadhockey.com/index.php?sh...it%20off&st=300 if you scroll down a little bitt you will see what i mean. i have searched all over the internet and nothing has showed up so either there aren't any left or if have been looking at the wrong place. I saw a guy in the ahl using them for the hershey bears and it reminded me and now i cant find any anywhere.

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I just got some Bauer elbow pads, a SMU for "Source for Sports" (Canada), that has them. I haven't used the wrist guard attachments yet, though.

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I have them attatched to my elbow pads.

They are the Jofa wrist protectors. They come with a spandex strap that holds them tight to your wrist, but Turk (Flyers equip. manager) cut those off and had the wrist protector sewn into my elbow pad...

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