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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cricket Mobile

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Looking at getting myself a Cricket phone when I go away next year (either for Juniors or for college). Before I decide to do so, I would just like to get some feedback. I'm just wondering how many of you are current or former Cricket customers and what you think/thought of their prices, billing process, coverage area(s) and any of the other services I am sure must play a role when picking a plan.

...I'm on the Cingular "Family Plan" right now, and have to say that I am fairly pleased with the way things seem to be going (although I don't pay the bill, so I wouldn't be the one to ask...). Would it just be easier to have my number transfered (should I move away from the area entirely) and shoot money home every month? Is that even possible?

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Never used it myself but I know of people who'd used it down here and it's a pain. It's great if all you do is talk local, but I hear their roaming is just outrageous. I'm still under AT&T and if your parents are okay with it, I'd stay under the Cingular plan.

Edit: I don't know if you can even mail payments in for Cricket because I always see a massive line at the mall the beginning of each month.

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Edit: I don't know if you can even mail payments in for Cricket because I always see a massive line at the mall the beginning of each month.


Thanks for the help, mack.

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I ran into a girl at work talking about it and asked her what their payment plan was. She said you can either have someone pay it for you (however the hell that'd work), pay in person or pay over the phone for a $5 charge. Lame.

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cricket is popular around here. cricket has a plan where they take the bill right out of your account every month. and for like $10 more a month, you get 500 long distance minutes a month. i think its like 60 a month if you have text/voicemail/caller id plus long distance.

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